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Here are some of the great features of Pacers Psp0858-115 Psp Fittings Psp3000 Paster
Pacers Psp0858-115 Psp, 1.Using high quality vinyl material, has a perfect feel, bright color and smooth surface
2.No need to cut, the gas leading material, easy to stick, easy to remove, and won't leave any incomplete glue
3.The surface PVC protective film, waterproof, oil proof, prevent scratch fuselage, and protect from decoloration
4.The rubber surface adopt the gas leading material, won't generation bubbles
5.Exquisite drawings make it more beautiful
Installation method for the screen:
Use PSP USB interface storage into the PSP and set it to be wallpaper (the screen is not pasted)
- The rubber surface adopt the gas leading material, won't generation bubbles
- No need to cut, the gas leading material, easy to stick, easy to remove, and won't leave any incomplete glue
- Using high quality vinyl material, has a perfect feel, bright color and smooth surface
- The surface PVC protective film, waterproof, oil proof, prevent scratch fuselage, and protect from decoloration
- Exquisite drawings make it more beautiful
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